February is going to be one of the most active “waking up” months for pests. Scorpions, crickets, spiders, and silverfish will be revving up and going into peak season mode.
Thankfully, roof rats will be calming down over the next couple of months as things heat up. These critters used to make headlines in Arizona almost weekly, but lately, other pests like termites and scorpions have been creating the most infestations in Arizona. The same can’t be said for Alabama, though – roof rats have been creating quite a scene, as reported by WAFF. Their list of tips is good for all household owners, even if you’re at low risk for roof rats.
– Do not leave pet food out overnight
– Do not scatter excess food for birds and other animals on the ground around your home
– Regularly remove pet feces from your yard because this can be a food source for rodents
– Store animal food and garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids
– Keep your property free from tall grass and weeds where rodents might shelter
– Keep your property free of junk piles, discarded pieces of furniture, etc.
– Screen, plug up, or cover all openings to your home that are larger than 1/4 inch.
– Use sheet metal and steel wool to fill and cover holes.
Have you seen any of the spring/summer pests making their way into your home?