As much as we enjoy watching the seasons come and go, we should be keen to observe various changes in our surroundings. This way, everyone will know what to anticipate and how to prepare for the impending situation. When spring comes, it brings along several pests with it and measures must be put in place to curb the threat. There are a variety of pests whose invasion can ruin your home or office. Although a myriad of firms professes to offer pest control services, it is important to contact a top service provider who has a proven track record. This has to be a firm that offers expert and effective pest control services. If you need help getting rid of springtime pests in Phoenix, don’t hesitate to contact us right away!
During springtime, ants are among the most rampant springtime pests in Phoenix, both in commercial and residential facilities.
Arizona is home to 40 different kinds of ants. These tiny parasites are scavengers and can quickly devastate a nice family picnic! Native Fire Ants, in particular, have a potent sting and should be avoided by humans and pets. Because their attraction to food is so powerful, spilling food or a drink on the floor might result in a collection in a matter of minutes. While these little parasites are preoccupied with food, they do have a terrible bite! Keep food, beverages, and other objects such as a dog or cat food cleaned up and stowed away to prevent ants from entering your home.
There are also Carpenter Ants and Harvester Ants, which can become aggressive if you are too close to their colonies. Not only will they nibble at your furniture, but they also inflict painful bites on humans. If you see ants in your home or office, always maintain a safe distance between yourself and the colony.
If you have an ant problem, contact Dynamic Pest Control for a complete and effective ant control solution that will keep ants out of your house and yard.
Bees are a nuisance in the mid- to late spring, but they persist throughout the summer. In recent years, bee attacks in Arizona have looked to grow increasingly common. These attacks are usually carried out by Africanized Honeybees in Arizona, who are known to be territorial and aggressive, and attack without warning.
If you find yourself in the thick of a bee assault, it’s critical to know what to do. Always use caution and keep an eye out for a colony in the trees and shrubs.
If the bees invading your home or yard are Africanized, we destroy and remove the hive due to the high danger and the fact that the only method to ascertain if bees are Africanized is to be attacked.
We understand how important bees are to our food supply, but risking an attack and an allergic reaction from our clients or coworkers is too great a risk to accept.
It may be necessary to remove the entire hive and post-treat the environment to eliminate pheromones that may lure stragglers back to the same spot, depending on the position of the hive. Above all, DON’T EVER ATTEMPT to remove the hive yourself; CONTACT US to help you.
Once cockroaches get inside your home or office, they’ll eat whatever they can get their hands on. German cockroaches lay a huge number of eggs per ootheca (about 35 eggs) and take the shortest time to reach sexual maturity, resulting in fast population expansion. Our recommendation is to have your house treated, especially before monsoon season sets in.
At Dynamic Pest Control, we’ve devised a multi-pronged strategy for getting rid of cockroaches in your house. We vacuum hot areas (under and behind refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher) to kill active roaches and remove ootheca (egg sacs), as well as treat inside plumbing voids and under appliances. Our team uses the most up-to-date tools and procedures as part of our initial treatment.
Termites are the most common springtime pests in Phoenix. They are so common that most homeowners come across them at some point. In our beautiful state, the phrase “there are two sorts of homes in Arizona: those with termites and those that will get termites” is quite true.
Termites cause considerable damage to your home and foundation. Their powerful jaws can chew through wood, siding, and even metal! Termites cost Arizona residents millions of dollars each year. Our first goal is to assist you in saving your house before you are forced to pay hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in repairs.
We know how to efficiently locate and destroy termite colonies, no matter how far they’ve tunneled into your home. You can trust the experts at Dynamic Pest Control to remove unwanted house guests and prevent them from ever coming back.
There are many non-venomous spiders in Arizona; however, the Brown Recluse and Black Widow species can be deadly. If you believe you have been bitten by one of these spiders, get medical help as soon as possible. When conducting yard work, always wear protective gear and gloves, be cautious when moving waste heaps, and don’t grasp where you can’t see.
Spiders are drawn to places where there are a lot of bugs. Houses with a lot of light may notice a spike in spiders in their house and neighborhood.
Want those pests removed professionally? Call us at 480-964-0145 or fill out our contact form.
Scorpions are another common springtime pest in Phoenix. The sting of scorpions is much more dangerous compared to an ant’s bite. They can get into the house interiors through small spaces near doors, windows, and other gaps. Overhanging trees and bushy lawns around your home or office would also facilitate an invasion by scorpions. An invasion by scorpions is something to avoid at all costs. To effectively control and manage such pests, you need to contract the services of an expert, and our specialists in Pest Control Phoenix are the ideal bunch of people to sort you out.
The Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in North America, posing a severe health risk to residents here. Scorpions have been reported under beds, drawers, counters, toy bins, under cribs, on ceilings, and a variety of other places. If you’ve ever been stung by a scorpion, you understand how painful it can be. An excruciating scorpion sting may inflict much more than pain in small children and the elderly; it can also induce serious medical problems, and in extreme circumstances, it can even be fatal.
Our routine treatments will remove the scorpion food supply from your house, which is the initial step in scorpion management. After that, we will spray the problem areas in and around your home and property to make sure the scorpions don’t come back.
We understand how much you appreciate and take pride in your property in Arizona. As a homeowner, you have a lot to think about and worry about. You renovate, decorate, live in, and raise your family in this house. Pest management is the last thing you want to be concerned about.
If you detect evidence of mice or rats, or if you encounter spiders, cockroaches, bed bugs, or any other type of Arizona pest, you should contact a local exterminator to have the work done quickly and correctly. Fortunately for Arizona residents, Dynamic Pest Control is on hand to assist, and they will locate pests, eliminate infestations, and help prevent future infestations. Call us at 480-964-0145 or contact us online.